Globally available: Beckhoff training expertise
Standard Beckhoff training courses cover certain TwinCAT functions. Engineers must meet various prerequisites for the different courses to show a level of familiarity with TwinCAT and Beckhoff technologies. Trainings can also include other topics and functions by customizing the classes with the training team ahead of time. For full descriptions of all of our courses as well as a list of prerequisites, please visit
Course customization options
Our training team can help you with inquiries about customization, scheduling and other questions.
Application-specific: instruction tailored to individual customers, industries or projects
For experienced Beckhoff users: dive deeper into advanced topics and functionalities​
Core in-person training courses
Introduction to TwinCAT 3 Architecture
Overview of TwinCAT 3 Environment
I/O Basic Navigation
I/O EtherCAT Basics, Troubleshooting
TwinCAT 3 - PLC Introduction
TwinCAT 3 - PLC Troubleshooting
TwinCAT 3 - PLC Programming
TwinCAT 3- PLC Programming, Applications
NC - Introduction
NC - Configuration Basics
NC - PTP Programming
NC - Axis Coupling Basics
NC - Axis Coupling Intermediate (Camming, Flying Saw)
TwinSAFE - Fundamentals
TwinSAFE - Hardware Overview
TwinSAFE - Handling Digital Signals
TwinSAFE - Handling Analog Signals
TwinSAFE - Dealing with Multiple PLCs
TwinSAFE - TwinSAFE Loader
TwinSAFE - User Access and Control
TwinSAFE - Safe Motion​
TcHMI - Fundamentals
TcHMI - Controls
TcHMI - Server Extensions
Beckhoff training centers in North America
Educational training opportunities are available throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Please check out our full list of training locations to learn more.