IPC Products
Beckhoff offers a totally scalable portfolio of Industrial PCs with high-powered processors ranging from single-core to multi-core and even many-core. These come with all types of interfaces, display sizes, form factors and various protection classes for devices that go inside or outside of a cabinet, even in potentially explosive environments.
Of course, no two applications are ever exactly alike, and neither are most of the standard industrial controllers from Beckhoff. Their flexibility in configuration and customization allows users to choose exactly the devices that best suit their applications. That encompasses everything from choosing the interfaces on a DIN-rail-mounted controller to adding your logo to one of our PCs or panels. As they say: To thine own brand be true.
Check out some of our product highlights below and for a full list of products, visit the IPC page on our global website.
Featured articles
Beckhoff offers a highly scalable portfolio of Industrial PCs ranging from single-core to multi-core and many-core with all types of interfaces, display sizes, form factors with different or identical CPUs and various protection classes. The configuration flexibility allows you to choose exactly the devices that best fits each application.
Below you can see how others are using our machine control technologies, and you can find all of our IPC articles here.