Process Industries
Beckhoff remains at the forefront of automation technology for wide-ranging process industry applications. We continue to deliver new solutions for the industry, including TwinCAT 3 software tools and hardware such as intrinsically safe ELX EtherCAT I/O and explosion-proof CPX multi-touch Control Panels. We also offer many automation solutions for the HART, NAMUR and FDT/DTM standards. To promote innovation in process technology, we are an active member of The Water Council, The Open Group and its Open Process Automation™ Forum (OPAF).
Because of our growing presence in oil and gas, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, wastewater and other industry segments, we maintain offices in key markets, including our Process Industry Technical Center in Houston and our Milwaukee office located inside The Global Water Center. Contact Beckhoff USA to learn how to pump innovation into your application.